Stress Management For Teens - HSA Parent Ed Night: December 17, 2020 HSAPresident SWWHSADecember 6, 2020stress management, parent ed, gene
Join Us for a Movie-Themed Trivia Night on Tuesday, November 10 @ 8:00pm HSAPresident SWWHSANovember 5, 2020trivia night, family night
Principal Trogisch Reinstatement HSA Position and Advocacy HSAPresident SWWHSAOctober 13, 2020principal crisis
A Statement on Behalf of SWWHS and SWWFS HSAs and LSATs HSA, LSATPresident SWWHSAOctober 7, 2020principal trogisch, principal crisis
Donate to the School Without Walls Back-to-School Family Contribution Campaign Fundraising, HSAPresident SWWHSASeptember 21, 2020SY2020
SWWHSA Town Hall - September 23, 2020 at 6:00pm HSAPresident SWWHSASeptember 18, 2020general body meeting, SY2021
Welcome to SY2021 - A Message from the SWWHS Home and School Association (HSA) HSASandra MoscosoAugust 28, 2020HSA, sy2021, back to school
SWW 2021 Budget Restored HSA, LSAT, School BudgetSandra MoscosoFebruary 17, 2020SY2021, DCPS, 2021 Budget
School Without Walls HSA Request for Restoration of FY2021 Budget HSA, LSAT, VOLUNTEER, School BudgetSandra MoscosoFebruary 15, 2020SY2021, Operational Budget, 2021 Budget, DCPS
SWWHSA Statement to DME Regarding Ellington Field Transfer HSA, SportsSandra MoscosoFebruary 14, 2020SY2021, fields, advocacy, DME, Ellington Field